Pandemic in France: Again protests against corona rules

Status: 08/29/2021 5:24 a.m.

Once again, thousands of French took to the streets against stricter corona rules. The protests were directed, among other things, against the compulsory vaccination for health and nursing staff. The police reported 16 arrests.

In France, tens of thousands of people across the country protested against the Corona rules yesterday for the seventh Saturday in a row. In the capital Paris and numerous other cities, the demonstrators mainly vented their anger about the so-called health pass, as reported by reporters from the AFP news agency.

The participants in the protest marches in Paris chanted “Freedom” and “Resistance”. According to the Interior Ministry, around 160,000 people took part in the demonstrations. The police reported 16 arrests. Three officers were slightly injured.

Criticism of “health passport”

Since mid-July, tens of thousands of people across the country have been taking to the streets against the stricter Corona rules in France. They reject the compulsory vaccination for health and nursing staff as well as the expansion of the obligation to provide proof to almost all areas of public life.

In France, when entering restaurants and cafés, in shopping centers and health facilities as well as for long-distance travel on public transport, proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test – the so-called health passport – must be proven. This has been the case for cultural and leisure facilities since July.

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