Pandemic: Air passengers bring Omikron to Amsterdam

Air passengers bring Omikron to Amsterdam

View of the interior of flight KLM 598 from Cape Town to Amsterdam. Several Omikron infected people were on board the machine. Photo: – / Third Party / UGC via AP / dpa

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Lockdown – and Omikron at that: In the fight against the pandemic, the Netherlands are further restricting public life. On top of that, there is an uneasy certainty: The new Corona variant has arrived.

At least 13 air travelers from southern Africa were found to be infected with the new Omikron coronavirus variant after landing in Amsterdam. Health Minister Hugo de Jonge announced.

The number could rise, said the state health service RIVM. The analyzes of the samples from 61 travelers who tested positive have not yet been fully completed. They came to Germany’s neighboring country on Friday with the KLM airline. In total, the health authority tested 624 passengers from two KLM planes from Cape Town and Johannesburg at Schiphol Airport. All those affected were isolated in a quarantine hotel.

Minister de Jonge also pointed out that the consequences of an infection with the new variant were still unclear. “We know for sure that it is more contagious than the Delta variant,” he said. How the Omikron variant affects the course of the disease and whether this has consequences for the effectiveness of vaccinations against Covid-19 is still being investigated.

Appeal to all travelers

De Jonge appealed to everyone who entered the Netherlands from southern Africa last Monday to be tested immediately. In the meantime, the rules for access to KLM aircraft in South Africa have been tightened. Even people who have been vaccinated twice are only allowed on board with a negative PCR test, and a quick test must also be negative shortly beforehand. So far, vaccinated people have not had to show a negative test.

In addition, the Netherlands have banned non-EU citizens from entering the country from countries in southern Africa. This applies to Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland. Upon arrival, all travelers from southern Africa will have to undergo re-tests. The health authorities at Schiphol Airport have set up a so-called test road especially for this purpose.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the Omikron variant as a matter of concern. However, it is not yet clear what the exact effects will be.

New measures in force

In the meantime, stricter corona measures came into force in the Netherlands, which had been ordered by the government regardless of the discovery of the Omikron variant. Since Sunday, shops, cultural venues, restaurants and sports clubs have to close by 5 p.m. at the latest. The evening lockdown is initially valid for three weeks. Whether it contributes to a noticeable reduction in the number of infections is to be checked in mid-December. A real turnaround must be achieved, said Prime Minister Mark Rutte when announcing the new rules. As a justification, the government also pointed out that the situation in the hospitals had worsened.

Supermarkets are exempt from lockdown. Schools will remain open for the time being. However, students aged ten and over must wear a mask when they are not in their place. The 1.5 meter distance rule is being extended to cinemas, theaters and restaurants. This means that fewer visitors are allowed in at the same time. The mask requirement will apply there again.


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