Pamela Anderson unveils trailer for her Netflix documentary

Pamela Anderson
Trailer released for their Netflix documentary

Pamela Anderson in “Pamela: A Love Story”.

© Courtesy of Netflix

The new trailer for the documentary “Pamela: A Love Story” makes it clear: Pamela Anderson finally wants to tell her story herself.

In a new trailer for the Netflix documentary “Pamela: A Love Story”, Pamela Anderson (55) makes it clear that she wants to take control of the narrative of her story. Without naming them, Anderson also opposes the 2022 mini-series “Pam & Tommy”.

“Pam & Tommy” opened old wounds

The miniseries tells the story of the sex tape Anderson made with her first husband Tommy Lee, 60, which was released against her will. As a result of the series, this tape has once again slipped into public awareness, which reopened old wounds in the “Baywatch” star.

“I banished this stolen video from my life in order to survive. And now that it’s all coming up again, I feel sick,” Anderson says at one point in the trailer. Another describes her as saying, “I don’t think people see her as the owner of her image. It’s Pamela Anderson, public good.”

However, she is not a “damsel in distress,” explains Anderson. “I put myself in crazy situations and survived them,” says the actress, laughing in disbelief. She would have built a career from what was left to her. Her idea of ​​love and relationships is also addressed in the documentary. Anderson says in the trailer, “Some men think, ‘Oh, she’s this playboy thing or this sexual person.’ And they hate you for being something else.”

“Pamela: A Love Story” will be released on Netflix on January 31.


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