Palliative care doctor suspected of multiple patient murders

Injections of unauthorized products at lethal doses. For several months, justice has been investigating suspicions of euthanasia in the palliative care service of the Pôle Santé Sud in Le Mans, in the Sarthe region. This Thursday, a doctor in his forties who worked between February and October 2020 in this service was presented to an investigating judge for an indictment. He is suspected of two murders, but the files of 23 other patients, who died while in practice, are still being investigated.

The case started at the end of 2020 when the clinic, alerted by several colleagues of this doctor, made a report to the Council of the Order. Several practitioners claim to have seen him administer highly toxic drug cocktails to patients, in particular high-dose Propofol, without respecting the protocols of the Leonetti law, which governs the end of life. Two files, in particular, reveal serious dysfunctions.

Struck off in May 2021

In May 2021, the practitioner is struck off by the Council of the Order. This decision, however, will not be effective until October 2021. Since his departure a year earlier, in October 2020, from the Le Mans clinic, the man has therefore been able to practice in other structures, in particular palliative care. In parallel, a report is made to the prosecutor who opens a judicial investigation. “The whole difficulty in this kind of business where patients are at the end of their life is to determine under what circumstances the victims really died”, specifies a source close to the investigation.

It is therefore necessary to carry out expert reports for all the patients treated by this practitioner, in order to know whether they were treated according to the rules dictated by the protocols. The expertises have already confirmed the doubts of the Order of Physicians on the first two patients concerned.

Arrested Tuesday near Rouen, the man denied in police custody the facts with which he is accused. Investigations are continuing to try to determine if other deaths, especially in the other structures in which he worked, are suspect.

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