Package of measures on energy costs: This is how consumers should be relieved


As of: 03/22/2022 10:01 p.m

In view of the high energy prices, citizens and companies should be compensated. The government is struggling to find the best way and the scope. To the ARD Capital Studio the status of negotiations from Tuesday is now available.

By Moritz Rödle, ARD Capital Studio

The so-called Commission of Nine of the traffic light coalition has been meeting again and again for a week. There, the coalition partners negotiated a “package of measures to deal with the high energy costs”. The paper with the status of negotiations from Tuesday is the ARD Capital Studio now exclusively. This makes it clear that the coalition parties have different priorities for relief.

The FDP is apparently proposing to expand domestic German natural gas production. In addition, the Liberals are opposed to price regulation of the mineral oil market, for example via a “maximum price regulation”. The paper dated March 22, 2022 also contains the fuel discount proposed by FDP leader Christian Lindner, a “reduction in energy prices to the European minimum” and a “one-time discount” on vehicle tax.

Greens: Ban the installation of gas heaters from 2023

The Greens, on the other hand, want to ban the installation of new gas heating systems from 2023. In addition, the paper also contains a classic of the Greens’ demands: the so-called energy money. So far it had failed because there was no practicable concept for payment. It is now being proposed that the Ministry of Finance should develop a payment method via the so-called tax ID by October.

The SPD apparently wants to cushion social hardship in particular. The paper states a “one-off energy price lump sum” for employees. This should be granted to all taxable households in an amount that is not yet clear. The lump sum could increase per child and should be graded according to income.

The problem with this: Such a flat rate would only benefit households with the 2023 income tax return. However, the FDP apparently rejects this measure, so that the so-called mobility allowance for employees with low and medium incomes is now being discussed again.

SPD advocates a child bonus

In addition, the SPD wants that, similar to the situation during the corona pandemic, there should be a so-called child bonus for each child “as soon as possible” to cushion particular hardship for families. This should be offset against the child allowance so that families with higher incomes do not benefit from it.

The SPD also wants to ensure that the flat-rate heating fee for housing benefit recipients is paid out permanently. For recipients of transfer payments, the SPD proposes a one-off surcharge, which should be paid out in addition to the 100 euro one-off payment that has already been decided.

“Energy flat rate” for seniors

Pensioners should also benefit. For them there could be a one-time “energy price flat rate”. Mobility secure participation, even if pensioners no longer have to drive to work every day, according to the paper. The SPD is apparently also concerned about the fares in public transport, the coalition should ensure that the prices for buses and trains do not increase or services are reduced.

However, many of these points are not united in the traffic light coalition. It is unclear what can be agreed from the paper. Not everything will probably be decided in the end. On Wednesday evening, the coalition leaders want to agree on a final package of measures.

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