Pacific: Major earthquake shakes Mexico

Major earthquake shakes Mexico

In Mexico City, people have fled the tremors into the open. photo

© Fernando Llano/AP/dpa

On the west coast of Mexico, the earth shook with a magnitude of at least 7.4. The date brings back sad memories of past disasters in the country.

A massive earthquake has shaken the central Pacific coast of Mexico. The US agency USGS gave the strength at 7.6 and the Mexican Seismological Institute at 7.4. The center of the earthquake was therefore southeast of the city of Aquila in the state of Michoacán on the Mexican Pacific coast.

One person died in the port city of Manzanillo, Colima state, according to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. According to the Mexican civil defense, the mayor of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, and President López Obrador, no damage was initially reported. However, the situation in different regions is still being examined. The broadcaster Televisa, on the other hand, reported damage and endangered buildings.

An earthquake alarm was triggered in Mexico City – shortly after a civil protection exercise had taken place there and nationwide in the afternoon on the anniversary of the severe 2017 earthquake, as the Mexican newspaper “El Universal” reported.

September 19 is a sad date in Mexico. On this day 37 years ago, an earthquake struck Mexico City, killing thousands of people. On September 19, 2017, the ground shook again in Mexico – 369 people died, 228 of them in Mexico City.


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