Over 4 million reservations for train tickets for the Christmas holidays

More than four million reservations have been made for train trips in France over the Christmas holidays, the Minister for Transport said on Sunday,
Jean-Baptiste Djebbari.

“We have more than four million reservations for the train,” said the minister on LCI, adding that “it is more than in 2018”.

Last year after the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic, the SNCF had sold on December 16 3 million TGV and Intercités tickets for the Christmas holidays, out of the 4.5 million it had put in sale.

Reassuring about sanitary conditions

This year, “we have put in place a sufficient number of trains, in particular at the SNCF”, assured Jean-Baptiste Djebbari. He wanted to be reassuring about the sanitary conditions of train travel, noting that a year ago no variant was circulating as contagious as Omicron but that there was still no vaccine, while close 90% of the population aged over 12 is now vaccinated.

In addition, France “has put in place a protocol since May 2020 which is one of the strictest in Europe” with “the disinfection of trains, cleaning, wearing of the compulsory mask” and “the health pass since August 9th. which makes it possible to provide additional comfort for those who practice the train ”, argued the Minister.

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