Our technology champion Apple also relies on artificial intelligence (AI)

good news for Apple shareholders and investors boerse.de technology fund: Apple is stepping on the gas to be among the top players in the promising field of artificial intelligence. Apparently our long-time champion is working hard on new AI applications and innovative AI chips. The first exciting AI applications could be Apple, one of the 23 technology champions boerse.de technology fundpresent in mid-June.

Apple boss Tim Cook recently hinted at upcoming innovations in the area of ​​artificial intelligence. “We believe in the transformative power and potential of AI – and we believe we have advantages that differentiate us, including our unique, seamless combination of hardware, software and services,” Cook said during a conference call in early May on the company’s quarterly results.

Apple is likely to integrate artificial intelligence more closely

Apple owes its extraordinary success primarily to the iPhone and other innovations and applications that are widespread around the world. When it comes to the topic of artificial intelligence, the name Apple hasn’t been mentioned too often. This could change soon. Apple is apparently planning a major upgrade to its virtual assistant Siri. Various US business media and information services report that the new applications will be presented at the Apple developer conference in mid-June.

The expected Siri upgrade promises a quantum leap in the functionality of the virtual assistant. The days of wooden dialogues and limited understanding may be over. The new Siri is designed to offer more natural conversations and better personalization, seamlessly integrated across the full range of Apple devices. The new Siri is reportedly powered by an advanced Large Language Model, internally referred to as “Apple GPT”.

The cult company, which is my personal favorite champion, also wants to make up ground in artificial intelligence elsewhere. Under the project name ACDC, Apple is working on developing its own computer chips for data centers. Apple benefits from its experience in developing chips for iPhones and Macs. Although the details are not yet clear, the new ACDC chips could have a big impact. They are apparently particularly suitable for processing large AI models in data centers. This focus fits perfectly with Apple’s mission of seamless integration of hardware, software and services.

Apple is a deserving technology champion

Apple has been one of our 100 Champions since 2006. For good reason, as the long-term price development underlines. On average over the past ten years alone, the share has achieved an annual return of 22 percent. The profit consistency was an astonishing 93 percent. This only happens with a few stocks.

As a reminder: The profit consistency indicator measures the frequency with which an investment would have generated positive price returns in 7,140 historical entry and exit scenarios. In the “Guide to your wealth“ you will find a detailed explanation of the performance analysis and information on how to calculate the performance metrics.

The performance analysis evaluates stocks completely transparently using proven key figures based on share price development. As a technology champion, Apple is a core investment in the boerse.de technology fund. But of course the performance of this fund does not only depend on the success of Apple shares. In addition to the technology icon, there are another 22 technology champions in the fund, including winning stocks such as Nvidia, Amazon, Cadence and Nemetschek.

The innovative concept of the boerse.de technology fund

These 23 champions make up 60 percent of the fund portfolio. The remaining 40 percent is made up of a wide selection of 400 other technology stocks. This is to ensure that the fund is invested in future winners at an early stage. The stocks with the best price performance in this so-called Darwin portfolio are regularly purchased and thus successively given higher weightings.

Through this innovative concept, investors participate boerse.de technology fund also in the rise of technology stocks that you may not have had on your radar before. An example of such price rockets is the Super Micro Computer share, whose price has already shot up by around 180 percent this year.

You can find up-to-date information about the boerse.de technology fund and explanations of the investment strategy here Investor area for this fund.

With the best recommendations

Peter Steidler
boerse.de Vermögensverwaltung GmbH

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