Orpea dismisses its general manager four days after the release of the investigative book “Les Fossoyeurs”

the Press release fell at 9:45 p.m. this Sunday evening. The board of directors of
Orpea, the world leader in nursing homes and clinics, announces the dismissal of its managing director, Yves Le Masne, and his replacement by a new CEO.

The decision comes just days after the book-investigation “The Gravediggers”, by Victor Castanet, released this Wednesday at Fayard. Elderly people “rationed”, abandoned in their excrement or left without care for days… Supporting testimonies, the journalist reveals numerous cases of abuse in the group’s nursing homes.

“With the mission of shedding light on the allegations made”

Philippe Charrier, previously Managing Director of Pharmaceutical Laboratories Mayoly Spindler, is appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect. His “mission will be to ensure, under the control of the board (of directors), that best practices are applied throughout the company and to shed full light on the allegations made”, specifies Orpea in its press release.

Orpea, which has a network of 1,156 establishments for 116,514 beds”, disputes the accusations made by Victor Castanet, which he describes as “false, outrageous and prejudicial”. The group announced on Wednesday that it was mandating two firms to conduct an independent assessment, recalls Le Monde.

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