Orange vigilance lifted for thunderstorms but maintained for floods in the Oise

Météo-France lifted the orange “thunderstorm” vigilance this Saturday morning in all the departments but a few strong thunderstorms can still break out locally in the afternoon in the north-eastern quarter of the country. On the other hand, “flood” orange vigilance is maintained on the Oise, according to a bulletin published at 6 am. This Saturday, from the Massif Central to Champagne-Ardennes and Lorraine, the night thunderstorms will still be locally strong in the early morning, then will subside.

But from midday, the thunderstorm activity will reorganize. From Languedoc and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, to Lorraine and Alsace, thunderstorms and showers will be frequent and will give sometimes intense rains and hailstorms. Further west, in a refreshed atmosphere, the sky will be more variable over many regions, some showers will occur: they will sometimes be stormy, but isolated.

Falling temperatures

Over Brittany in the morning, then to the Pays de Loire, Normandy and the Hauts de France, overcast and very rainy weather will set in, again giving good accumulations of rain. In addition, the southwest wind will become quite strong on the Atlantic coast. In contrast, from Roussillon to the PACA region, the numerous cloudy passages will give at most a few drops. Corsica will keep dry and sunny weather. The south-easterly to south wind will strengthen over the Alps and PACA.

Temperatures will be dropping. The minimum will go from 15 to 20 degrees in general, 18 to 23 near the Mediterranean and in the Rhône valley. The maximums will still reach 26 to 29 degrees in Alsace and north of Rhône-Alpes, 28 to 33 degrees from the Alps around the Mediterranean and in Corsica, locally 32 to 35 from the plains of Roussillon to Provence and Corsica, they will vary between 22 and 27 degrees over the rest of the country, 19 to 23 over Brittany and Cotentin.

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