Opinion: Mercedes shouldn’t put in another protest against the race classification

Formula 1 final in Abu Dhabi
Dirty stepping down: Mercedes should show itself to be a fair loser

Lewis Hamilton congratulates Max Verstappen on winning the world title after the thriller in Abu Dhabi, after which Mercedes protested the score

© Hasan Bratic / DPA

Anger and disappointment at Mercedes about how the World Championship was lost in the last race in Abu Dhabi is understandable. Nevertheless, the team should refrain from any further protest against the race classification: It is doing itself and Formula 1 no favor.

Wow. In its last race in Abu Dhabi, Formula 1 once again offered everything that it has had for the whole year: The two best drivers, Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen, fought a heated duel, while protests took place next to the racetrack and mutual accusations between the two teams. Like the sporting spectacle, the poisonous brawls are an integral part of the season with an unfortunately sad climax at the last race.

Both Red Bull and Mercedes tried to influence the race management around the Australian Michael Masi during the Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi. Red Bull protested after Lewis Hamilton took a short cut on the first lap after an unfair overtaking attempt by Verstappen (who was known to have lost his start) and stayed in the lead. Shortly before the end of the race, the safety car came into action and caused further trouble. Mercedes protested against the decision of the race management to reopen the race before the last lap, and they also complained that the lapped cars should clear the way between Verstappen and Hamilton.

The consequences are now Formula 1 history: Verstappen caught up with Hamilton, whose comfortable lead was lost due to the safety car. Hamilton had no chance after the restart against Verstappen, who had put on fresh tires and attacked from the slipstream. The Dutchman overtook the Briton on the final lap and won the world title.

Unfortunately, Mercedes continued the protest after the end of the race

Unfortunately, Mercedes officially protested after the race. It was mainly about the decision about the lapped cars. It took the race stewards four hours to reject the two applications from Mercedes. But the team doesn’t want to be satisfied with that. Mercedes is considering appealing. Red Bull advisor Helmut Marko raged against an “unworthy loser”.

The anger and disappointment at Mercedes are understandable. The title, believed to be safe, was lost by a stupid coincidence, and the race management did their part with their decision. But what else could she have done? To finish such a final under safety car conditions? That would indeed have been unworthy. The Formula 1 rule book stipulates that the race director decides at the end of the day, in the spirit of the sport. He did that, no matter how much Mercedes feels disadvantaged.

Mercedes should show itself to be a fair loser

If there are no serious safety concerns, a race should end in a sporty way. The fact is that using a safety car always costs the leader the lead. If it happens at the end of a race, it is particularly bitter. If it happens at the end of the last race and decides the fight for the title, it is dramatic, but it belongs to this sport.

Mercedes should therefore refrain from calling and show itself as a fair loser, even if it is difficult. In addition, the prospect of success is slim. Nobody wants a Formula 1 in which titles are awarded at the green table. That goes for fans as well as for the US owner Liberty Media, who cares about the most attractive racing series possible. And as a consolation for Mercedes: It is clear to everyone that the title is extremely happy for Verstappen and Red Bull. Still, the Dutchman is a worthy winner. That is not mutually exclusive.

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