OpenAI’s ChatGPT is back in Italy. After complying with transparency demands

The popular ChatGPT AI chatbot was once banned in Italy following privacy concerns raised by the country’s data protection authority, Garante.

As of March 31, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is temporarily banned in Italy. After watchdogs suspected that the AI ​​chatbot was in breach of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

However, 29 days after the ban, on April 29, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced that ChatGPT was “already available in Italy again,” without disclosing the steps the company was taking to meet its transparency requirements. Italian regulator

ChatGPT must disclose its data processing practices and apply age restriction measures. Among other legal requirements, as highlighted by Italian regulators, The temporary ban was in response to the most recent data breach that ChatGPT experienced on March 20.

EU legislators are drafting new legislation to monitor AI developments. The level of risk ranges from very low to unacceptable. Not all high-risk tools will be banned. But it will be subject to stricter transparency requirements.

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