Open-air cinemas in Munich: 30 years of “Cinema, Moon and Stars” – Munich

Films have been shown outdoors in Munich’s Westpark since the mid-1990s. The founder and organizer of “Cinema, Moon and Stars” looks back on the 30th anniversary – and ahead.

The oldest open-air cinema in Munich is not that old, at least if you compare it with the second oldest open-air cinema: In the summer of 1995, films could be seen in the open air for the first time in Westpark – and just a few weeks later at Königsplatz. “On the very first evening there was an unexpected shower, half the guests were soaking wet,” remembers Peter Mopils of July 1, 1995 in Westpark. This did not spoil the atmosphere, says the founder and organizer of “Cinema, Moon and Stars”There were many residents who went home briefly, changed their clothes and then came back.

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