Only ten new intensive care admissions in 24 hours

Coronavirus: Only ten new intensive care admissions in 24 hours (Illustration) – Marin Driguez / SIPA

A little less hospital pressure. The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in France has indeed continued to decrease and this decline is also observed in intensive care, according to data from
Public health France published Wednesday evening.

The intensive care unit, which receives the most serious cases of coronavirus, had 2,754 patients against 2,825 on Tuesday and 2,945 on Monday. This figure fell below the 3,000 mark on Sunday, for the first time since the end of January. At the height of the third wave, between mid-April and early May, it hovered around 6,000 patients.

Only ten people have been admitted to intensive care in the past 24 hours.

96 hospital deaths in 24 hours

In total, 15,638 Covid-19 patients were hospitalized in France on Tuesday, against 16,088 the day before. The number of new admissions was 34 patients within 24 hours.

In hospital, 96 coronavirus patients have died since the day before, according to the health agency, bringing the number of deaths since the start of the epidemic to 109,787.

50% of adults received a dose of vaccine

In terms of vaccination, open since Monday to the entire adult population, 26,583,112 people have received at least a first dose (or 39.7% of the total population and 50.6% of the adult population) , according to the Department of Health.

Some 11,452,053 people received two injections, or 17.1% of the total population and 21.8% of the adult population.

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