Only one remedy against cold sores is really suitable

As soon as your lip starts to tingle, do you panic because you know exactly what is going to happen? Cold sores are just really annoying and you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. But which remedy really helps against cold sores? Stiftung Warentest has now investigated this question – and can only really recommend one product.

Pharmacies and drugstores are full of products that promise to quickly combat cold sores. From creams to gels to special plasters – the selection is now huge. A classification comes from Stiftung Warentest, which has tested 26 remedies in detail. You can get the complete results of the “test” issue 06/24 with a paid subscription. read here.

The experts analyzed studies on effectiveness and risks to assess whether the products are suitable for treating herpes. When asked what helps immediately and quickly with cold sores, the Stiftung Warentest’s disappointing verdict is: “No prospect of a quick recovery.”

Why most cold sore remedies are of little use

Overall, none of the 26 remedies for cold sores in the test were really convincing. Instead of grades, the testers this time gave the seals “Suitable” and “Not very suitable” – and most products had the latter seal. The problem, according to StiWa: “The active ingredient does not penetrate the skin deeply enough and does not reach the nerve nodes from which the herpes infection originates.” But there is one positive report: Hydrocolloid-based herpes patches The testers rated it as “suitable”. However, only under the heading “mechanical protection”, i.e. covering the bubbles.

Cold sores: This remedy is recommended by Stiftung Warentest

According to testers, the best cold sore patches are Cold sore patches from CompeedThey are suitable for protecting and discreetly covering herpes blisters. In addition, hydrocolloid patches can help reduce the spread of the herpes virus by covering the blisters. The packaging also contains comprehensive information on how to use them, as well as the course and causes of a herpes infection.

The recommendation of the Stiftung Warentest, the Compeed cold sore patches can be found among others here at Amazon.

Compeed Cold Sore Patch

Compeed Cold Sore Patch

Price may be higher now. Price as of 16.06.2024 04:39

What causes cold sores?

Up to 90 out of 100 people carry herpes simplex viruses. But they do not cause herpes in everyone. Some people are spared from it their entire lives. But once the viruses manage to become active, the blisters on the lips usually return regularly. The viruses are then stored in the body’s nerve cells, albeit inactive, and can be reactivated depending on the personal triggers for herpes. The symptoms vary from person to person, but some trigger points are among the most common triggers for herpes:

  • stress: Physical or emotional stress can weaken the immune system and thus promote reactivation of the virus. Many people also report an outbreak after experiencing severe disgust.
  • Diseases: Fever, colds or other infections can also strain the immune system and trigger cold sores.
  • UV radiation: Intensive sun exposure can irritate the skin and lead to (re-)cold sores in many people.
  • Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, e.g. during menstruation, pregnancy or due to hormonal contraceptives, can also promote cold sores.
  • Weakening of the immune system: A general weakening of the immune system due to illness, changes in the weather or certain medications can very quickly trigger herpes.

What is missing from the body when you have cold sores?

When a cold sore breaks out, the body is not actually lacking anything specific, but there are factors that can encourage the herpes to reactivate. This includes, above all, a weakened immune system. A lack of certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and lysine, can weaken the body’s defenses. So keep an eye on these as much as possible if you suffer from cold sores frequently. But increased stress levels, lack of sleep, dehydration and a generally unhealthy lifestyle can also promote and allow herpes viruses to flourish.

Cold sores SOS: What to do?

As soon as your lips start to tingle, it’s time to take action! So use the recommended lip patches or a cream that you get on well with as soon as you see the first signs. If you use them early, the viruses can be inhibited to some extent. What else you should pay attention to now:

  • Do not touch. Do not touch the blisters, especially those that have burst. Otherwise the area can become infected with bacteria and inflamed.
  • Own towel. Do not share towels, lipsticks, glasses, drinking bottles or cutlery with others during the infection; herpes viruses are highly contagious.
  • Kissing prohibited: That probably explains itself…
  • Patience: This is probably the most difficult point. Cold sores are unpleasant and seem to last forever, but they usually go away after one or two weeks.

And speaking of patience, many people are bothered by the scabs that form towards the end. These should not be picked off under any circumstances, as this can delay the healing process even longer. Stiftung Warentest therefore recommends using a water-free fatty ointment at the END of the herpes outbreak to make the scabs go away and keep the skin supple.

ASH Basic OintmentASH Basic Ointment

ASH Basic Ointment

Price may be higher now. Price as of 16.06.2024 01:56

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