“One in three tests is positive”, warns the president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France

The Covid-19 is re-pointing the tip of its virulent nose in France. On Sunday, the laboratories recorded 110,174 cases of contamination in 24 hours, against 139,517 the day before and 81,283 a week earlier. Asked about FranceInfo this Monday, the president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France, Philippe Besset assures that currently “one in three tests is positive”.

Pharmacists, on the front line of Covid-19 screening tests since the start of the pandemic, have resumed a relentless pace. According to Philippe Besset, between “400 and 450,000 tests” are carried out every day by professionals, a rate similar to “last summer”, he says.

“Max Level”

However, he says patients now get tested because they have symptoms. As the health pass is no longer in force, it is no longer necessary to prove your negativity to drink a beer in a bar or enjoy a screening at the cinema.

The professional wonders about the need to hire additional people, according to him the pharmacists will soon be “again at the maximum level of what[ils] can do by [eux]themselves”. The reappearance of barnums in front of pharmacies could therefore occur shortly.

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