On the eve of the holidays, the prefecture calls for caution after a very deadly start to the year on the roads

The figures are alarming. Since the beginning of the year, there have already been twice as many deaths on the roads (35 dead) than last year at the same time, warns the prefecture of Gironde. “The main causes remain the same: speed, dangerous overtaking, alcohol, narcotics, distractor including telephone…” she says.

On the eve of the start of the school holidays, which start this Friday evening for the Bordeaux academy, and the Easter weekend synonymous with crowds on the road, the prefect Fabienne Buccio calls on users to exercise caution. “The internal security forces will be fully mobilized to verbalize bad behavior at the wheel and on the handlebars”, she specifies.

Hardening against drink driving

Since the beginning of the year, nearly 1,300 driving license suspensions have been pronounced, including 39% for drunk driving. “It is in this context that the prefecture of Gironde has issued a new decree which modifies the scale of administrative suspensions of driving licenses and toughens the measures imposed against drivers intercepted for excessive alcohol consumption”, announces the prefecture in its press release.

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