On its labels, the Allbirds brand indicates the carbon footprint of each of its products

The New Zealand start-up Allbirds, specializing in the creation of eco-responsible shoes and clothing, has been using committed labels since 2020. These include the carbon footprint of each product of the brand. The objective of this approach is to make the general public aware of the issue of carbon dioxide emissions and to better understand it, explained to the
Guardian Hana Kajimura, responsible for sustainable development within the company founded in 2016.

To achieve its ends, Allbirds relied on “the prevalence and availability of information,” she detailed. The company wants to provoke reactions around the pollution generated by the production of clothing similar to those that consumers have about the energy intake of food. “The average person is unable to explain precisely what a calorie is or how it is measured,” said Hana Kajimura.

Halve the carbon footprint of its products by 2025

” But whatever. What matters is that they are able to understand it in context, ”commented the manager. To increase awareness, Allbirds hopes to eventually adopt a similar information system by more actors in the ready-to-wear sector, and even other industries. Concretely, the New Zealand designer indicated inside his shoes and on the labels of his clothes the number of kilos of carbon dioxide emitted during the manufacture of the product.

This assessment takes into account the raw materials used, transport, production, washing and drying of the garment during its period of use and at its end of life. “The customer sees the total but can also access detailed data,” said Hana Kajimura. The start-up valued at 1.7 billion dollars (1.45 billion euros) has committed to halving the carbon footprint of its items by 2025 and reducing it to almost zero before 2030. 10% of carbon dioxide emissions in the world are due to the clothing sector.

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