On Air Zen, Natasha St-Pier will host a program dedicated to yoga

The singer’s voice is soft, calm, calm. “Namasté, yoga with Natasha St-Pier”, she slips into the microphone of Air Zen, recalling the title of the show that she will present every week. Does this station mean nothing to you? This is normal: Air Zen, dedicated to well-being, will officially be born on October 11 with the launch of digital terrestrial radio, the equivalent, on the airwaves side, of digital terrestrial television (TNT).

Natasha St-Pier will be one of the headliners of this new antenna, with a program broadcast every Friday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. 20 minutes attended Monday, in a studio in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine), the recording of the first number which will be broadcast on October 15. The host then talks with Julien Levy, the editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal France, who explains what “yama” is and the relational principles it covers such as “truth”, “honesty” or “Moderation in everything”.

“Yoga is like a big house”

“We are going to talk about yoga in all its forms. For some people, it is meditation, for others, physical postures, for the most knowledgeable, a philosophy of life. There are a lot of things hidden under this term. We will be able to learn what it is to those who know nothing about it and the others will be able to deepen their knowledge. I will invite people who interest me and have made me learn a lot, ”says Natasha St-Pier, who also teaches the discipline.

“Yoga is like a big house. You can enter through several doors and several windows to discover all the rooms, ”she adds, trusting 20 minutes that Aria Crescendo will be the guest of the second issue: “A lot of people, during confinement, turned to online yoga, I will talk with her about the differences in practice with indoor yoga. “

“It will take a while for this radio to settle down”

Natasha St-Pier, who finds the host’s hat on this occasion, is herself rather zen before the launch of her show. “I’m not saying that I still master all the radio codes, but I know them, confides the one who worked at the microphone of RTL during the summer of 2014. It is not a destabilizing stress, it is a bit like before a show. I feel nervous, that of the desire to do things well. I want to offer a lot of things to listeners. For it to be admissible, it must be understandable, digestible, sincere, that it affects people. “

After the recording of the first number, the artist smiles. She says she is “very happy” with this start, then touches the wooden table out of superstition when suggested to her that it may be the first in a long series. She imagines that Air Zen’s success will be built over time. “I am convinced that it will take a while for this radio to take hold because, when you offer something different to people, you have to give them time to discover it. Today, we are in a dynamic aiming to move towards more well-being. We understood that humans need to feel good to be efficient, happy, fulfilled, fulfilling and helping with others, she believes. I think that the concept of this radio is innovative and that people who do not find themselves in other forms of radio will perhaps find their account with us. “

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