Omikron: Bars and clubs closed, no spectators at football games, contact restrictions also for vaccinated people

Corona measures
Bars and clubs closed, no spectators at football games, contact restrictions also for vaccinated people

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at the beginning of the Prime Minister’s Conference on the subject of the corona pandemic and the impending fifth corona wave.

© Guido Bergmann / Federal Government / dpa / DPA

The federal and state governments have agreed on new restrictions due to the corona pandemic. They should apply after Christmas. The existing stricter rules will continue to apply to unvaccinated people.

To curb the rapidly spreading Corona virus variant Omikron, the federal and state governments have decided to impose stricter restrictions on private and public life. There should also be contact restrictions for vaccinated persons and genesis. In the future, major events will again have to take place in front of empty stands. These and other measures should apply from December 28th at the latest, as the federal government and the prime ministers of the federal states decided on Tuesday.

It is not now the time for big parties on New Year’s Eve, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) after the switching conference. Therefore, from December 28th at the latest, private get-togethers for vaccinated and genesis patients are only allowed with a maximum of ten people. Children up to the age of 14 are exempt from this.

Major national events may then only take place without spectators. Clubs and discos must be closed nationwide, dance events are prohibited. This has already been the case in many federal states so far, but was handled differently by some states.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz prepares citizens for the fifth wave

The Chancellor prepared people in Germany for a sharp increase in corona infections from the Omikron variant. At the moment one is still in a strange intermediate time. The recently decided measures against the pandemic have had an effect, the fourth corona wave is slowly being brought under control. But the fifth wave is already looming. “It won’t be over as soon as we had hoped.” Omikron will massively increase the number of infections, said Scholz. “We have to adjust to that now.”

Omikron is more aggressive and threatens to undermine vaccination protection. Only a booster vaccination gives some protection. Scholz thanked the government’s Corona Expert Council, which proposed measures against Omikron on Sunday.


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