Olympics in China: Australia is also boycotting the Beijing Games

As of: December 8th, 2021 2:52 a.m.

Australia joins the US diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. This was announced by Prime Minister Morrison.

Like the US, Australia will not send diplomatic representatives to the Winter Olympics in China. The decision was made as a result of failed efforts to reopen diplomatic channels with China to speak about human rights abuses in Xinjiang and the government’s measures in Beijing to impede or block imports of Australian goods, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in Sydney .

“Australian officials will therefore not travel to China for these games. The Australian athletes will, however.” The United States announced on Monday that it would not send diplomatic representatives to the sports event in Beijing in February 2022 because of human rights violations in China.

His government denounced “human rights abuses in Xinjiang and other issues,” but the Chinese government has shown no willingness to talk. Australian athletes should, however, take part in the games in Beijing, stressed Morrison. “Australia is a great sports nation, but I do keep sports and other political issues apart.”

China is Australia’s most important trading partner

China announced that the US would “pay the price” for its decision and warned of “strong countermeasures”. The formal boycott of Australia threatens relations with China, its largest trading partner, to deteriorate further.

Tensions had intensified when the Canberra government denied Chinese telecommunications company Huawei access to its 5G broadband network and called for an independent investigation into the origin of Covid-19. The People’s Republic responded with import tariffs on Australian goods, including coal, beef, barley and wine.

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