Oktoberfest 2022: Too thick for lederhosen – trend towards second leather – Munich

Anyone who slips into their old leather trousers after two years of a pandemic often experiences a blue miracle. That’s why the city’s traditional costume shops are currently more like the changing rooms of football clubs.

Now, so close to the Wiesn, everyone is looking forward to the customs that have been practiced for years and that have been missed for a long time. As always, some go on a beer and chicken diet for two weeks, others, as always, go through all the rides until they stiffen their necks, while the completely different ones go on their traditional Oktoberfest vacation far away from Munich, preferably in Munich Regions of the world where they are guaranteed not to be able to spell words like Ochsensemmel or Steckerlfisch.

The Wiesn-Wise Men are already scratching their boots with their Haferl shoes, and they are only really happy when they lecture on the right way to tie dirndl aprons or the really, really genuine Miesbach traditional costume at every opportunity – they’ve had to remain silent for too long now. Now they will soon be able to get upset again on all available channels about cheap pink dirndls, shirts reminiscent of tea towels and about the fashion demise of the West in general. This is also part of the tradition, even if hardly anyone is interested, least of all those who walk around like that.

But the anticipation is not entirely undiminished: after more than two years of the pandemic and working from home in sweatpants, many Wiesn-goers have now painfully realized that not only raw materials can become scarce, but also clothes – and that the leather trousers that have just been mothballed unfortunately do not have an elastic band Has. Because balloon silk somehow doesn’t really work as a substitute for deerskin, many men in the costume departments step on each other’s toes.

In some shops these days it’s like a football club dressing room: men in their underpants stand at the clothes rack and look for a larger size, surrounded by a panic-stricken sweat. Instead of, for example, football, the conversations are now about clothing sizes and how to get rid of the corona stomach, which some people actually look like they’ve swallowed a football – but only after the Wiesn, of course. The autumn trend 2022: It is clearly going in the direction of second leather.

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