Obituary for Adolfo Kaminsky: Death of a Master Counterfeiter – Culture


Willie Winkler

Adolfo Kaminsky fabricated his most famous passport in 1968, when the French Minister of the Interior issued the Rebel Daniel Cohn-Bendit, son of two Jews who had fled Germany, had him expelled from France. For the counterfeiter it was great fun, “a nice opportunity to get one over on the authorities and make it clear that there is nothing more permeable than a border and that ideas cannot have any”. Cohn-Bendit came back from West Germany with the brand-new document and showed up at the Sorbonne wearing sunglasses and dyed his hair black, waving his expulsion order and promising: “Our revolution goes on!” France trembled, President Charles de Gaulle temporarily fled to Germany, and all of Western Europe had a hero.

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