Nuclear tests: IAEA sees signs of upcoming nuclear test by North Korea

nuclear testing
IAEA sees signs of North Korea’s upcoming nuclear test

North Korea has repeatedly provoked missile tests in recent months. photo

© Ahn Young-Joon/AP/dpa

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), there are increasing indications of an imminent nuclear test by North Korea.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), there are increasing indications of an imminent nuclear test by North Korea.

“We hope it doesn’t happen, but unfortunately the signs are pointing in the opposite direction,” said IAEA chief Rafael Grossi on Thursday in New York. The IAEA observes corresponding preparations in the autocracy. That’s why everyone is “holding their breath,” Grossi said. A nuclear test would be further confirmation that the program is “moving full steam ahead in an incredibly worrying manner” and that Pyongyang is continuing to refine its arsenal.

North Korea has repeatedly provoked missile tests in recent months. Experts expect that ruler Kim Jong Un could also conduct his first nuclear test since 2017 in the coming weeks.


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