NSU: Ralf Wohlleben has to go back to prison – politics

Ralf Wohlleben was the man who supported the NSU. Who got the right-wing murderer gang the murder weapon for nine murders of migrants. Contact was maintained with the three perpetrators who went into hiding, Beate Zschäpe, Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos. And who was also loyal to them during the process.

The former NPD official was sentenced to ten years in prison in 2018 for aiding and abetting nine murders. But shortly after the verdict he was released, having already served almost two-thirds of his ten years in prison. He was able to enjoy his freedom for five years. But now he has to be imprisoned again.

Wohlleben, now 47, is considered a martyr in the right-wing scene. To this day he is still swarmed by his followers, lives in a kind of Germanic village community and became a father again after the verdict in the NSU trial. But the idyll will soon come to an end.

The Federal Court of Justice has determined that Wohlleben still poses a risk to the security of the Federal Republic – not through his own acts of violence, but the court trusts him that he would support acts of violence from the right-wing extremist scene “as inconspicuously as possible” if something like that were said to him would be brought up. That means: Even the highest German court in criminal matters sees him as an active part of the violent right-wing scene.

The court refers to the security interests of the general public

Wohlleben and his lawyers had long fought against the renewed imprisonment. Wohlleben was in custody from November 2011 to July 17, 2018. He only had eleven days until the two-thirds point. That is why he was initially released after the verdict, although the verdict against him became final in the summer of 2021.

A psychiatric expert had dealt with his dangerousness, the Munich Higher Regional Court had already declared that Wohlleben had to serve his remaining sentence of a good three years. He had lodged a complaint against this. The Supreme Court has now dismissed the appeal. The safety interests of the general public prevailed and did not allow the remainder of the sentence to be suspended on probation.

Wohlleben had provided the members of the terrorist organization “National Socialist Underground” (NSU) with a pistol complete with a silencer and ammunition. Between September 2000 and April 2006, Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos insidiously shot dead eight men of Turkish origin and one man of Greek origin for xenophobic and racist motives.

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