Now Victoria of Sweden is taking a break

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden works hard. Her family often gets neglected as a result. That is set to change in the coming weeks.

She is a mother, wife and crown princess – and Victoria of Sweden (47) did not choose the latter role. She was born into it. But with every year that passes, her accession to the throne comes closer. The mother of two is already taking on many appointments, has already travelled to San Francisco (USA), Brussels (Belgium) and Bangladesh (South Asia) this year and has also dutifully carried out her royal duties and tasks at home in Sweden. But now the crown princess seems to be treating herself to a well-deserved break, as the Swedish newspaper “Svensk Dam” reports.

Victoria of Sweden is probably shifting down a gear

Currently, Victoria of Sweden’s name will only appear twice in the Swedish royal court’s calendar during the summer. Once on her birthday on July 14, when the Swedes celebrate the so-called “Victoria Day” and celebrate their crown princess. The other highlight is “Victoria Week” on Öland. The Swedish royal family will also be appearing there together with Victoria of Sweden. Otherwise, however, it’s time to switch off and slow down.

The Crown Princess’ family should be happy

After all, Princess Estelle (12) and her little brother, Prince Oscar (8), would certainly like to spend time with their mother. And Prince Daniel (50) will also be delighted to share more private moments with Victoria of Sweden. The family will certainly have time for this during the holidays. In the summer, the Swedish royals log off to enjoy life, the sun and sunshine together. In the best case scenario, fans of the royal family receive little greetings via Instagram. Sometimes even from the whole family. And since Princess Madeleine (42) has also returned home, nothing stands in the way of this beautiful tradition.

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