Norway: This is what northern Norway looks like in winter

Whiteout is an English-language term that describes a weather phenomenon: everything is white. The sense of space disappears. There is no more up, no more down. The third dimension loses its existence. A condition that not only pilots experience in polar regions in winter, but also people on the ground, be it in snow flurries or dense fog.

Thomas Kleine knows this natural phenomenon – and not only this one. The photographer has been traveling extensively in the far north of Norway for 15 years, in all seasons. That’s why he not only captured country roads that fade away in total white and fjord landscapes powdered with fresh snow, but also a constellation in the night sky that can only occur in regions close to the Arctic Circle: the northern lights.

Light and color of northern Norway

The play of colors alternating between blue and green – also known as aurora borealis – is created in the dark polar night. Thomas Kleine captured the luminous phenomenon in long-term exposures with the camera, which he now published in the book “Fascination Northern Norway – A journey to a magical region of our earth” published.

The high-quality illustrated book, which was published by Nabben Publishing, not only shows the landscapes between Bodø and the North Cape in winter on more than 120 heavy photographic paper pages.

In widescreen format, the photo journey also includes motifs in summer, when Norway doesn’t appear cold and forbidding, but rather warm and almost bathed in Caribbean turquoise: then the water in the fjords glitters with the same blue-green color intensity as in the northern lights.

On the following pages of the photo series, we have compiled only winter motifs from the illustrated book “Fascination Northern Norway” according to the season.

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