North Rhine-Westphalia: deadly drama on the sports field: investigations continue

North Rhine-Westphalia
Deadly drama on the sports field: investigations continue

Candles and flowers at the scene of a deadly altercation at a sports field in Bielefeld. Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

A dead adult and two injured teenagers: After a fatal argument in Bielefeld, the dismay is great.

After a deadly argument on a sports field in Bielefeld, the investigation continues. The interrogations will continue in order to get a concrete picture of the process and the motive, said a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office in Bielefeld on Monday. There are “differing statements” among those involved.

Young people had argued with each other on a school sports field early on Friday evening. According to media reports, the 26-year-old was the uncle of one of those involved – he was called over the phone to help. But after he arrived on the sports field, a 15-year-old is said to have seriously injured him with a knife. He died a little later.

There were other victims: a 16-year-old was seriously injured and a 15-year-old boy was slightly injured. The suspect, a 15-year-old boy, left the sports field but turned himself in to the police that same evening. According to the police, he was brought before the magistrate on Saturday, who ordered him to be held in custody in a juvenile prison for manslaughter and dangerous bodily harm.

The dismay among relatives and friends of the dead man was great, they put candles at the scene of the crime and laid flowers on the weekend. Stunned, they sat together in grief and talked about the shocking death.


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