Nobility: All eyes on Kate: Return in the carriage

All eyes on Kate: Return in the carriage

Princess Kate will attend her father-in-law’s birthday parade on Saturday. Photo

© Paul Grover/The Telegraph/PA Wire/dpa

It is already the royal event of the year: cancer patients King Charles and Kate want to appear together in public. But how well is the princess really?

The English Patient returns to the spotlight: When Princess As Kate rides with her three children in a carriage to the traditional “Trooping the Colour” parade today, the eyes of millions of people, not only in the United Kingdom, are on the 42-year-old.

Every movement is likely to be recorded. How is the wife of the British heir to the throne, Prince William, really doing? Can you tell that she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy?

In a new photo taken this week in Windsor, which Kensington Palace released last night along with a private message from Kate, the future queen can be seen leaning against an ivy-covered tree with a pond behind it. Her arms are folded in front of her body, her gaze is directed thoughtfully upwards. A long lock of hair falls over her shoulder.

Kate has not been seen in public for almost half a year. For her return, she has chosen one of the most important events in the royal calendar: the official birthday parade in honor of King Charles III, her father-in-law. Thousands of soldiers in red guard uniforms, shiny horse skins and the traditional bearskin hats dominate the scene at “Trooping the Colour.”

Prime Minister praises Kate’s announcement

But this year, Kate is likely to attract the most attention. She will watch the parade from a nearby building with other members of the Royal Family. But she will be right in the middle of it all at the climax: when the Royal Air Force military jets fly over London, she wants to stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with the inner core of the Royal Family.

King Charles, who is also being treated for cancer but has been attending official events again for several weeks, was delighted about Kate’s return. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wrote on the X platform that he knew “that the whole country is behind her”. “The Princess of Wales’ message will be particularly meaningful to those battling cancer and their families. They will recognise the same struggle in her words and draw hope and inspiration from her strength,” Sunak wrote.

In fact, Kate’s return to the carriage and balcony does not mean that she will seamlessly resume her daily routine with numerous receptions and other events or even go on official trips. “As she said, she is making good progress and is looking forward to joining the family tomorrow,” said Kensington Palace, the official residence of Kate and her husband William.

“Some days I feel weak”

In her personal message on Friday evening, the 42-year-old stressed that she was not out of the woods yet. Her treatment was ongoing. “I’m making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy knows, there are good days and bad days,” Kate wrote. “On the bad days you feel weak, tired and need to give your body some rest. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of your well-being.”

Her treatment will continue for several more months. There are no decisions yet about further public events and no timetable. For now, it is a matter of Kate being able to attend individual events, in close coordination with her doctors.

On good days, she enjoys taking part in the school life of her children Prince George (10), Princess Charlotte (9) and Prince Louis (6), Kate continued. She then spends time doing things that give her positive energy and also works a little from home. “I’m learning to be patient, especially in times of uncertainty. I take each day as it comes, listen to my body and give myself the much-needed time to get healthy.”

Last seen in public at Christmas

Kate last appeared in public at Christmas. At that time, she and her family attended a church service near the royal estate of Sandringham in eastern England.

Details about Kate’s illness are not known. She had an abdominal operation in mid-January. Tests after the operation showed that she had cancer, Kate said in a video in which she made her illness public at the end of March.

Kate’s father-in-law Charles is also suffering from cancer and is being treated. Details are not known about him either. The British head of state has been attending regular appointments again since the end of April and most recently travelled to France for the 80th anniversary of the so-called D-Day. The monarch will also be travelling in a carriage to the parade, which officially celebrates his 75th birthday last November.


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