No, PSG have not sold more than 800,000 Messi jerseys since the arrival of the Pulga in Paris

Not content with having had to deal for nearly a week with a heap of false information about Messi’s arrival at PSG, emanating both from journalists, but also from influencers or pseudo-specialists in the transfer window, he It seems that the fantasy and bullshit machine is not about to stop spinning. The latest “info” to date? PSG would have sold – hold on tight to your rocking chair because it could shake up in the cottages – more than… 800,000 Messi flocked jerseys since the officialization of his arrival in Paris on Tuesday evening!

“Messi will receive an annual salary of $ 41 million at PSG. But within the first 24 hours of his arrival, the club have already sold 832,000 jerseys, bringing in around $ 105 million in revenue. The club are keeping around 10%, or $ 10.5 million in profits on day one. (Source: MARCA) ”, tweeted Joe Pompliano (275,000 subscribers on Twitter), the founder of Huddle Up, a site dedicated to newsletters on the theme of sport and business. According to him, the information revealed would come from the sports media Marca. However, our research could not find any trace of this figure on its official website.


Anyway, we can already tell you without difficulty that this figure of 832,000 is totally bogus. Why ? Already because a well-informed source at the club confirmed to us that all this was “not serious”. If the PSG has not planned to communicate in the near future on the number of jerseys sold in stores and on the club’s official website since the arrival of the Argentinian, our source informs us however that “it is the best departure never made by PSG for a jersey, even in comparison with the launches of the new jerseys [à chaque début de saison] without flocking ”.

To get roughly an idea of ​​what the PSG sells as tunics each year, we can take the figures from previous years. Those of the 2017-2018 season for example, supposed to be a fruitful season since it was that summer that Paris achieved the braquo of the century by going to exfiltrate Neymar from Barça. Well that season, the club sold (all players combined) around 900,000. Impossible therefore that the club of the capital, as sexy as it is in the eyes of the world with its new Argentine star, has managed to sell this equivalent in the space of a few hours.

Neymart and Messi are likely to end up side by side in a lot of Parisian wardrobes these days. – Bertrand GUAY / AFP

To believe our colleagues from Parisian, in 2017, the day of the officialization of the transfer of Ney, Paris Saint-Germain had sold “more than 10,000 shirts of the Brazilian”. If we do not doubt for a single moment that this figure will be beaten with Messi, it would still be a question of keeping our heads on our shoulders.

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