No, polling stations are not affected

Would the health pass restrict access to polling stations? In any case, this is what an internet user said in a viral tweet, while the bill on this very controversial health measure was finally adopted at first reading, this Thursday at dawn, after a night of debates. ignited in the National Assembly.

As proof, this user attached to his tweet a amendment by ex-LREM deputy Joachim Son-Forget, aiming to exclude “places of exercise of democracy” from the scope of the health pass. A modification rejected by his colleagues.

An amendment of a preventive nature, therefore, the rejection of which does not mean, however, that access to the polling stations will be subject to the possession of a health pass, since they are not concerned by the bill in the first place.


The bill “relating to the management of the health crisis”, which governs the extension of the health pass, leaves little ambiguity on the places concerned by this sesame from the beginning of August. The only “places, establishments, services or events” to which access is subject to presentation of a health pass are those offering “leisure activities”, restaurants and bars – with the exception of company restaurants and road professionals -, fairs and trade shows, and department stores and shopping centers, beyond a threshold which will be set by decree. Long-distance public transport activities within the national territory, and access to health, social and medico-social services and establishments, except in emergencies, are also concerned.

This list of establishments completes those for which the pass is already in force, namely cultural and leisure places, as well as nightclubs.

Access to polling stations, which is not mentioned in the bill, is therefore not subject, as it stands, to the presentation of a health pass.

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