No, oxygen is not enough to cure the disease

“Oxygen can cure cancer”, can we read on social networks. Internet users who say this are based on Otto Heinrich Warburg, presented as “winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his discovery of key processes in cellular respiration and different enzyme systems”. Without further indication, everyone can think that it is this man who is present on the video attached to the publications.

In reality, the man speaking is Robert Barefoot. He can be heard saying that breast cancer, prostate cancer and leukemia are curable. “I’ve seen dozens and dozens of people heal themselves. A few hundred people have come to see me this year, they are all cured,” he also claims. According to Robert Barefoot, the cause of cancer is the absence of oxygen. It would therefore be possible to “repel the disease with more oxygen”. Obviously, if it were that simple, the research would have been stopped a long time ago, and no one would die of cancer. 20 minutes make the point.


Robert Barefoot describes himself on his website as “a respected and renowned author and scientist”. He states that “his groundbreaking research has led to the discovery of the most effective supplements in the world, which improve the health and vitality of thousands of people around the world”.

This site is dedicated to the sale of “Coral Calcium” for the entire line of “Bob’s Best” products from Robert Barefoot. These are dietary supplements based on coral calcium, which would cure many diseases and “reach optimal health”.

But this miraculous product is not as recognized and renowned as Robert Barefoot would have you believe. To praise the merits of his discovery, he relies in particular on the fact that Kevin Trudeau, the “most popular television salesman in the history of television in America”, spoke of his “Coral Calcium”. In fact, the two men have been the subject of numerous complaints by the authorities for the regulation of commerce and the safety of medicines.

After two shows filmed in 2002 and 2003, Kevin Trudeau and Robert Barefoot were ordered to stop advertising for this food supplement or “any other product based on calcium coral to treat cancer, heart disease, hypertension or other serious diseases “.

Misunderstanding on Otto Warburg’s Nobel Prize

In the video shared by Internet users as well as on his sales website, he refers to a Nobel Prize on which his theories would be. He says: “Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for proving that the cause – of cancer – is anaerobiosis, the lack of oxygen (…) which means that we can fend off disease with more oxygen. »

In reality, Otto Heinrich Warburg did indeed conduct work on cell respiration which turned out to be revolutionary for the study of cells and cancers. But according to the Nobel Prize website, this German researcher was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for an entirely different reason: his discovery of the nature and functioning of the respiratory enzyme. It is thus explained that he has shown that “cancer cells can live and grow even in the absence of oxygen”.

Ongoing research on the link between oxygen and cancer

Robert Barefoot seems to be lost between “lack of oxygen causes cancer” and “oxygen cures cancer”. In reality, the various causes called avoidable, and listed by the cancer research foundation do not understand this factor. Among the risk factors related to the environment, there is air pollution, but still not the lack of oxygen.

As for a healing method, two researchers from the University of Leuven, Belgium, discovered that “lack of oxygen in tumor cells promotes cancer growth and that an oxygen supply makes these cells less susceptible to proliferation, reports RTBF.

Based on a study carried out on 3,000 patient tumors, German researchers have shown that the lack of oxygen plays an important role in hypermethylation, a process that causes excessive growth of cancer cells, and which occurs in the half of the cases. Then they carried out experiments on mice which showed that it was enough to normalize the supply of blood, and therefore oxygen, to the tumors to stop the hypermethylation process. If this is a new avenue for cancer research, it is currently only a study and tests on animals.

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