No more dispensation after 2 a.m. for bars and restaurants

New rules will govern nightlife in Lille. – M.Libert / 20 Minutes

  • With the end of the curfew, the Lille town hall will introduce new rules for nightlife.
  • No establishment, with the exception of nightclubs, will be able to open after 2 a.m.
  • During the week or at weekends, the terraces of bars and restaurants will have to close earlier than the indoor rooms.

Finished the bamboche after 2 hours in the morning. As for Social Security, the city of Lille had a general regime and a derogatory regime to determine the closing times of bars and restaurants. From Sunday, all will now be housed in the same boat, to the happiness of some and the misfortune of others. Explanations.

The announcement of the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announcing the end of the curfew ten days before the initially planned date upset the agenda of the mayor of Lille, Martine Aubry. If the return to normal of nightlife arrives earlier than expected, it will never be the same again: “The sectoral closing times that we established 15 years ago are no longer applicable due to the case law which imposes now standardized hours, ”explains the elected. Basically, this means that everyone will have to close at the same time throughout the city while in some places bars were granted exemptions until 3 a.m.

A night charter and a “disciplinary council”

“The trick is to find a balance between the desire to party and the tranquility of the inhabitants”, continues the socialist. The novelty is the differentiation between the terraces and the interior of the establishments. In short, customers on the terraces will have to leave an hour earlier than those installed indoors on weekdays and two hours earlier on weekends. Indoors, the closing time is set at 1 a.m. from Sunday to Wednesday, and 2 a.m. from Thursday to Saturday. And therefore, for the terraces, 11 p.m. from Sunday to Wednesday and midnight from Thursday to Saturday.

From the start of the school year, the “night council” will put in place a new nightlife charter. “We are going to put in place the disciplinary council”, assures Martine Aubry, history of sanctioning the few establishments which do not respect the rules which “degrade the image of the profession to the detriment of true professionals”, laments the socialist.

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