No excessive waves on the first phones tested by the ANFR

Out of the first thirteen 5G cellphones it was able to test,
the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) did not detect excessive wave level, she indicated
in a press release published this Tuesday.

The thirteen devices are below the maximum threshold fixed by law for the energy that their waves bring to the human body (specific absorption rate, SAR).

Two non-compliant devices

This threshold is set at 2 watts per kilo for the trunk and 4 watts per kilo for the limbs (hand holding the device, trouser pocket, etc.). “The first checks carried out within the framework of market surveillance show that the additional contribution of 5G is very low, and only appears when the 4G and 5G antennas in the telephone are collocated,” said the ANFR. “Average increases of 0.4%” for the trunk “and 1.8%” for the limbs were thus observed.

Each year, the ANFR carries out campaigns to verify the energy levels emitted by smartphones on the market. The test battery released on Tuesday involved a total of 44 devices, including the 13 5G. Two non-5G devices of the Heyou brand distributed by Boulanger (EssentielB Heyou 60 and 40) were detected as non-compliant during the tests. A software update has lowered their emission level and made them compliant, according to the ANFR.

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