No, a Swiss poll did not put Eric Zemmour at the top of the voting intentions for the first round

Eric Zemmour placed at the top of the voting intentions in the first round of the presidential election and largely won in the second round. This is what we read on an alleged survey relayed on social networks by supporters of the far-right candidate. This opinion poll was carried out by the Swiss daily The weather with a mysterious “Singapore Investment Fund” (“Singapore Investment Fund”).

« Newspaper poll The weather therefore independent of the French media”, comments on Twitter a supporter of Eric Zemmour. On Facebook, another Internet user opposes it “to French polls that are completely biased and subject to power”.

The Swiss newspaper Le Temps denied having commissioned and carried out this survey. – Facebook screenshot

The survey would have been carried out between March 26 and 28 on a sample of 3,273 French people living abroad and 6,487 French people living in France. The method by which it would have been carried out is not given.

The far-right candidate would collect 21% of voting intentions in the first round, thus placing him ahead of the other candidates. In the second round, he would collect 61% of the votes against Jean-Luc Mélenchon who would expect 39%.


There is no trace of this survey on the site of the Swiss newspaper. And for good reason : ” The weather neither commissioned nor carried out this survey”, explained Madeleine von Holzen, the editor-in-chief of the Swiss daily. There is also no trace of a “Singapore Investment Fund”.

The alleged survey was also presented partly in English, in French and with characters that appear to be in Mandarin, which is strange for a document that would have been published in a French-language media.

Eric Zemmour is credited between 9.5% and 11% of voting intentions, depending on surveys realized for several French media. This puts him in fourth place in the first round of the presidential election, which takes place on Sunday.

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