Nino de Angelo: singer shoots against “DSDS” and planks

Nino de Angelo
Singer shoots against “DSDS” and planks

Nino de Angelo expresses harsh criticism of Dieter Bohlen and “Germany is looking for the superstar”.

© Heide Pinkall/

“DSDS” goes on and should get a 21st season in 2024. However, Nino de Angelo considers the format “just embarrassing”.

Dieter Bohlen (69) recently announced in the first live show of the anniversary season of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” that the format will be continued. RTL also confirmed on its websitethat “DSDS” should have a 21st season in 2024, although the format should initially be discontinued after the current episodes. One who is apparently not particularly happy about this is Nino de Angelo (59).

Nino de Angelo: “‘DSDS’ & Bohlen should retire”

“The thing about the jury was of course fake”, de Angelo writes on Instagram about a picturewhich apparently shows him on an airplane next to Bohlen. According to a report by the “Bild” newspaper the singer had previously written that RTL and Bohlen would allegedly get him on the jury. So he had apparently allowed himself a joke. However, the 59-year-old explains on Instagram: “But I really think it would be better to stop the format as planned before nobody watches it at all. ‘DSDS’ & Bohlen should retire.”

De Angelo explains to the daily newspaper why he comes to this conclusion: “The program and Dieter’s sayings are simply no longer up to date and outdated.” Ten years ago, they might have been funny, “but today it’s just embarrassing.” Bohlen “didn’t keep up with the times”.

Nino de Angelo speaks of a “bad” market share for the format and therefore cannot understand why RTL wants to continue to focus on the show. Inga Leschek, program director of RTL and RTL+, recently explained: “Both on RTL and RTL+, the popularity was above our expectations and well above the previous year’s values. This positive response has prompted us to continue with ‘DSDS’ in 2024. “

“Dieter has been looking for the superstar for 20 years”

“I mean, Dieter has been looking for the superstar for 20 years and still hasn’t found him,” says de Angelo of “Bild” and sees an opportunity for the broadcaster to fill the jury with new faces instead of planks. Is it after a previous report of the newspaper, but this will apparently not change. RTL is said to be planning a reappearance of the pop titan and Pietro Lombardi (30) in the jury for the coming season. The jurors Leony (25) and Katja Krasavice (26) should therefore vacate their seats.

At least there will definitely be one change: In the future, talents from all age groups – from 16 years of age – can take part in the format and come to the casting. Before that, on April 15 from 8:15 p.m. on RTL, the grand finale of the anniversary season is still pending, in which the “DSDS” winner or the winner of 2023 will be chosen.


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