nine people indicted after the fire at the town hall of Mons-en-Barœul

Nine people were indicted after the fire in a town hall in Mons-en-Barœul (North), in the Lille area, during the violence which broke out in France after the death of Nahel, 17, killed by a policeman, the Lille prosecutor’s office announced on Wednesday July 5. These people are prosecuted for “voluntary violence against persons holding public authority”, “participation with a weapon in a crowd” and “participation in a criminal association with a view to committing a crime”, specified the prosecution. The town hall, where there were still three agents who had been able to be evacuated, had been set on fire during the night of June 28 to 29. Follow our live.

16 people arrested overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday. IThe return to calm seems to be confirmed. During the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, 16 people were arrested throughout France, including seven in Paris and in the inner suburbs. After several days of riots, no major incident has been reported, apart from 116 outbreaks of fire recorded on the public highway. That night, eight buildings were also set on fire or damaged and 78 vehicles caught fire. Nationally, in one week, 3,625 people were taken into police custody, including 1,124 minors. Among them, 990 were brought to justice and 380 imprisoned.

An “emergency law” for reconstruction. Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday a “emergency law” to accelerate reconstruction in towns affected by the riots, opening several construction sites with a “top priority”the restoration of a “lasting order”. In front of the mayors of more than 300 municipalities gathered at the Elysée Palace, the Head of State said to himself “very careful” on the prospect of a return to calm, while considering that the “peak” of the first evenings was “pass”.

One dead in Marseille after a “flash-ball type” shot. The Marseille public prosecutor’s office reported that a 27-year-old man had died in this city as a result of a probable “violent shock to the chest” caused by a projectile “flashball type”. This death dates back to the night of Saturday to Sunday, enamelled with riots. The IGPN, the police force, is seized.

The incarcerated police officer support kitty is closed. The policeman who shot Nahel benefited from a movement of solidarity marked by the constitution of a kitty initiated by a figure of the extreme right, Jean Messiha. After causing a scandal on the left, this common pot was closed on Wednesday shortly after midnight, displaying 1,636,220 euros in donations. Nahel’s family lawyer announced in the evening that he had filed a complaint against Jean Messiha, in particular for fraud in an organized gang.

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