Niebüll: Woman’s body discovered in forest – homicide probably possible

Woman’s body found in forest in Niebüll – police do not rule out homicide

The woman’s body is said to have been found in a forest in Niebüll (symbolic image)

© Julian Rettig / DPA

The discovery of a woman’s body in Niebüll has officials in Schleswig-Holstein busy. For tactical reasons, the police initially did not want to comment further. This suggests a homicide.

In a forest near A female body has been found in Niebüll in the northwest of Schleswig-Holstein. As a police spokesman in Flensburg said on Sunday when asked, the dead woman was discovered during the night from Friday to Saturday.

Police remain silent on woman’s body in Niebüll

He did not provide any further information, citing tactical considerations. This suggests that the police are assuming that the case was a homicide and have begun searching for the perpetrator. The police spokesman said he would issue a statement with further details on the case on Monday.

The “Bild” newspaper had previously reported on the discovery of the body. According to the report, a passerby who was walking her dog late at night discovered the lifeless body next to a footpath and alerted the police.


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