New York: Injured after shots in subway station

Police on a large scale
Shots fired in New York subway – several injured

Watch the video: Several people were injured by gunshots in the New York subway.

According to eyewitnesses, shots were fired in the New York subway. Several people are said to have been injured. Local media reported that. This shot, which circulated on social media, is said to show some of the injured. An explosion could also be heard, reported passers-by. Accordingly, the incidents occurred in the Brooklyn district. Police urged residents and tourists to avoid the area. More precise backgrounds were not initially known.


At least one person is said to have shot at a subway station in Brooklyn, New York. There are several injured.

According to the fire department, at least 13 people were injured when shots were fired in a subway station in the US metropolis of New York, as reported by several news agencies, citing the fire department. Five of them are said to have sustained gunshot wounds. The nature of the injuries to the other victims is unclear.

Photos and video footage on social media show people with bleeding wounds lying on the platform of an underground station. At least 11 people were taken to two local hospitals, according to the Associated Press (AP) news agency.

Shooter on the run from the New York subway

“My subway door opened and revealed a disaster. There was smoke and blood and people screaming,” the AP quoted an eyewitness as saying. A huge cloud of smoke came out of the N train when the door opened. According to media reports, a smoke grenade or similar object may have been detonated during the incident.

A spokesman for the fire brigade told the AFP news agency that several “unexploded” suspected explosive devices were found on site. At the same time, the police emphasized on Twitter that “no active explosive devices” had been discovered.

Journalist Madhaw Tiwari wrote on Twitter that the shooter was on the platform of the 24th Street train station. When the subway doors opened, he first fired a smoke bomb and then started shooting. The doors then closed and the train proceeded to 36th Street, where the wounded came out. A video he posted appears to confirm that the victims were injured before reaching the 36th Street train station.

The perpetrator is on the run. According to police, he was wearing a gas mask and dressed similarly to an employee of the New York transit company. Nothing is known about the background of the crime.

The incident happened in the middle of New York’s morning rush hour. The metro lines affected were disrupted, according to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. There were numerous delays and failures in the subway system. The police asked the population to avoid the area around the subway station.

US President Joe Biden has been briefed on the shooting. Senior White House officials are in contact with New York Mayor Eric Adams and police leadership, Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Twitter. The federal government stands ready to provide the New York authorities with any assistance they may need.

This message is continuously updated.

Sources: NBC (1), NBC (2), Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Police Department on Twitternews agencies DPA and AFP, Associated Press

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