New Year’s service in Leonhardikirche – Munich district

You don’t have to bombard the sky with colorful rockets or dance a waltz in the ballroom to celebrate the New Year in an atmospheric way. A traditional end of the year like the one in Siegertsbrunn’s Leonhardikirche is more intimate and atmospherically inviting. The visitors to the short prayer, which always begins at 11.30 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, said goodbye to the old year without any hustle and bustle – instead, framed by musical sounds and contemplative texts, in a neat church room bathed in warm, sparkling candlelight. A beautifully illuminated opportunity to look back, to pause, to sing songs together. And of course to think straight to the future: What will 2022 bring, do you still have to wear a mask in church at Easter or comply with any G-rules, will it be a great summer? Organist Peter Worfel and Erich Sepp on the violin were responsible for the instrumental sounds. The blessing is traditionally spoken shortly before midnight, then the bells take over and ring in the New Year in the sky above Siegertsbrunn.

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