New Year’s Eve worldwide: sometimes with, sometimes without fireworks

Status: December 31, 2021 8:27 p.m.

Up to 16 degrees, no big parties and almost no fireworks – this is how Germany will come into the New Year. In Australia and Asia, 2022 has already started – everywhere under the impression of the corona pandemic, but not everywhere without fireworks and parties.

This time, too, of course, the island states of Samoa and Kiribati started, followed by New Zealand and Australia, South Korea and Japan, the Philippines and China, Thailand and Vietnam: the year 2022 has already begun in some countries around the world. Most countries have strict regulations for New Year’s celebrations due to the pandemic.

In Germany 2021 says goodbye with unusually mild temperatures, in Berlin, for example, with more than 13 degrees, it will be the warmest New Year’s Eve since weather records began in the 19th century. More than 16 degrees were measured in Oy-Mittelberg, a good 1000 meters high in Oberallgäu, but also in Dresden.

Mainly out of fear of the rapid spread of the Omikron variant of the coronavirus, there are contact restrictions for private meetings in Germany. In addition, this time for the second pandemic New Year’s Eve, there was again a general ban on the sale of fireworks in the last days of the year. The main aim is to relieve the hospitals of additional patients. In some cities, fireworks are completely forbidden in certain areas – including fireworks that were bought in other countries or were still in the basement. The police have announced increased controls.

Lauterbach: “Don’t overdo it”

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach reported on New Year’s Eve with a tweet to ironically appeal to the common sense of the people. “Don’t overdo it. I see you guys. Greetings, your Karl,” says a meme that he linked, on which he secretly peers through a window from outside.

The edited photo was not entirely wrong, wrote the minister and wished him a “nice last evening in 2021”. He “appeal to everyone, one last time, to be careful,” he wrote. “Testing, very small groups, face masks where necessary, and watching TV alone when symptoms occur.”

Fireworks in Sydney – despite increasing new infections

In Sydney – unlike last year – tens of thousands of spectators were once again admitted to the colorful fireworks in front of the backdrop of the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House. Interested parties had to buy a ticket in advance for one of around 30 viewpoints. In the state of New South Wales, in which Sydney is located, the corona numbers are exploding due to the spread of the omicron variant. Authorities reported more than 21,000 new infections on Friday.

In China, several cities canceled fireworks and major festivities due to corona, including Beijing and Wuhan, the city where the corona virus first broke out in late 2019. New Year’s Eve is not in itself a particularly important holiday for the Chinese. According to their traditional lunar calendar, this time the new year starts at the beginning of February. Only then will there be a big wave of travel. However, significant travel restrictions are expected in 2022.

Tens of thousands of locals and tourists celebrate New Year’s Eve on the famous backpacker mile Khaosan Road in Bangkok.

Image: dpa

Exuberant celebrations in Bangkok

In Thailand – one of the few long-distance destinations where numerous tourists are currently staying – many restaurants were exceptionally allowed to open until 1.00 a.m. on New Year’s Eve and until then they were also allowed to serve alcohol. In the capital Bangkok, tens of thousands of locals and tourists welcomed the New Year on the famous backpacker mile Khaosan Road. The entire street, which until a few weeks ago was deserted due to the pandemic, was like a single rave party with loud music in every bar.

In order to get in, visitors had to show a vaccination certificate – but afterwards there was dancing, singing and drinking like in pre-pandemic times. The corona numbers in Thailand are still low despite the Omikron variant and are around 3,000 new infections every day across the country.

Another pandemic New Year’s Eve

Robert Holm, RBB, daily news 8:00 p.m., December 31, 2021

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