“New Stories from Pumuckl”: New season and a movie – Media

Do you remember Fizzibitz? The little goblin with red hair, a yellow shirt and green trousers, who causes mischief in Master Eder’s carpentry workshop in Cologne? Yes, exactly, in Cologne: From 1962 onwards, the WDR produced a Rhenish radio play version of the stories of the “little house-goblin”, as the goblin was called there in broad Cologne dialect. The reason for his renaming, according to legend, was that the name Pumuckl was too similar to the word “Pomocken” which was in use in the Rhineland at the time – less than twenty years after the end of the war.which refugees from the German eastern territories were not particularly kindly treated. Pumuckl inventor Ellis Kaut suggested Fizzibitz as an alternative. And so it happened.

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