New job: Tim Mälzer goes under the showmaster

Saturday night show
New job as showmaster: Tim Mälzer makes Frank Elstner

He can chatter: Tim Mälzer ventures into new territory as show master.

© Christian Charisius / Picture Alliance

Actually, it’s still a secret, but Tim Mälzer blurted it out in his podcast: He’s going to be the showmaster. Accordingly, he should soon take over the moderation of a Saturday evening show.

He has flirted with it often enough, now the time has come. Tim Mälzer enters the big stage. As the Hamburg chef said in the latest episode of his podcast “Fiete Gastro”, he will follow in the footsteps of Frank Elstner and Rudi Carrell and become the show host. “I’m allowed to moderate a show, then I’m a real moderator, a real host – with a show staircase and everything,” he reported. Exactly what kind of show it is, however, is still a secret. He is not allowed to reveal too much yet, after all it could still happen that it is not broadcast at all. The show will be recorded “live-on-tape” and, according to the multi-talent from Hamburg, will be broadcast on a Saturday evening by a major broadcaster.

It is not the first time that Mälzer has taken on a moderation. Last year he stood in for the sick Günther Jauch on “Because they don’t know what’s happening” and led the evening together with Barbara Schöneberger and Thomas Gottschalk. The Hamburger seems to have passed the acid test with flying colors. However, performing in front of the camera is not new territory for him. He celebrated his premiere on the screen with “It doesn’t taste good” almost 20 years ago. Since then he has appeared regularly in various TV shows, including his successful format “Kitchen Impossible”.

Showmaster Mälzer slips into the leo outfit

He admits in the podcast that he doesn’t know exactly how he got the show master’s job. He is often asked for panels, where he is quite happy to refuse with “a played arrogance” and the words “if you need someone to moderate it, you can call me”. That’s exactly how it worked back then with “Because they don’t know what’s going to happen”. “What am I doing in the circle of Gottschalk, Schöneberger and Jauch? But the situation is so weird that it’s cool again,” he classified his position himself.

He doesn’t seem to take his new job lightly. In the podcast he reported that he had prepared for the moderation with a coach, among other things to work on his speaking speed. He also had a suit tailored for the evening, which was also “to the point” and extravagant to match the show. The golden outfit was forbidden to him, but now a leo scarf is part of the ensemble. He joked: “I’ll put it this way, I look a bit like Peter Frankenfeld.”


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