New course in the coalition agreement: China warns traffic light parties

Status: 11/26/2021 8:09 am

The Ampel coalition agreement could cause conflicts with China – for example on human rights and Hong Kong. China has now forewarned the future coalition.

By Benjamin Eyssel, ARD-Studio Beijing

China has warned the new federal government not to interfere in internal affairs. The reaction to the coalition agreement between the SPD, Greens and FDP is not surprising. Because the communist state and party leadership always forbids outside interference.

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang are only China’s affairs, said state and party leadership spokesman Zhao Lijian in the Chinese capital Beijing yesterday. He expects the new federal government to adhere to the one-China principle.

By this he means that diplomatic relations are only maintained with the People’s Republic and not with Taiwan. He hoped for a pragmatic China policy based on mutual respect and cooperation on equal terms in a wide variety of areas, said Zhao.

The background to this is that the future federal government is clearly more critical of the People’s Republic than the grand coalition. The new coalition agreement addresses numerous points that could lead to conflicts with the Chinese government.

Partner and “system rival”

China is referred to as a partner, but also as a system rival. Human rights are mentioned, particularly in the Xinjiang area, where hundreds of thousands of people are in re-education camps.

The democratic island of Taiwan should be more closely integrated into international organizations. China has prevented this so far, as it regards the de facto independent Taiwan as a separate part of the country. In addition, the future federal government calls on China to return to the “one country, two systems” principle in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All of this harbors potential for conflict.

Merkel is highly regarded

The long-time Chancellor Angela Merkel, on the other hand, is considered China-friendly in the People’s Republic. There was not much criticism of the state and party leadership from her, she made business-friendly politics.

“Don’t interfere!” – China warns the new federal government

Benjamin Eyssel, ARD Beijing, November 26th, 2021 7:47 am

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