Neubiberg: Youth Parliament wants open-air cinema – district of Munich

The new Neubiberg youth parliament is full of energy. The 13 representatives of the young people in the municipal council have just submitted an application that the municipality should organize an open-air cinema with them on the meadow next to the airfield in the landscape park. The young people imagine the event in such a way that the spectators sit on the western slope of the cemetery hill. From her point of view, one advantage of this place would be that the runway is a popular place for many young people to hang out in the evenings. An evening in July is planned as a date.

Five members of the youth parliament recently introduced themselves to the municipal council. They explained that they had only recently found ten events for children and young people in the Kaleidoscope event program. That’s why they came up with the idea of ​​offering young people a “public cultural event”. The municipal council formally accepted the application, the content of which will be dealt with in one of the next meetings. The prospects shouldn’t be bad. Mayor Thomas Pardeller (CSU) called the proposal a good idea. However, there are still a few questions to be clarified, such as where the electricity comes from and who is the organizer. However, he signaled that the town hall administration would consider the matter benevolently.

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