Netherlands: New witness after murder of crime reporter de Vries

New witness after murder of crime reporter de Vries

After the emergence of a new witness, the pronouncement of the verdict has been suspended indefinitely. Photo: Peter Dejong/AP/dpa

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Two men were arrested shortly after the crime. Not all questions have been answered yet. A new witness could shed more light on the matter.

A new witness has surprisingly appeared in the trial for the murder of Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries. The testimony of the man could be decisive for the verdict, the criminal court in Amsterdam decided. Therefore, the pronouncement of judgment planned for Thursday was suspended indefinitely.

The prominent reporter was gunned down in the middle of Amsterdam a year ago as he left a TV studio. The 64-year-old succumbed to his injuries nine days later. Two men were arrested shortly after the crime. Both face life imprisonment. The case had sparked horror far beyond the country’s borders.

Information about the backers?

The name of the new witness was not released for security reasons. According to the prosecutor, he may be able to provide information about the people behind the crime. The prosecution believes that criminal Ridouan Taghi’s notorious drug gang was behind the murder. Because the reporter was the confidant of a key witness who is currently testifying against the gang. The brother and the lawyer of the key witness had already been murdered beforehand.

According to the defense attorneys, the new witness could possibly also testify that the client had put at least one of the perpetrators under heavy pressure. Three other suspects were arrested just last week. A new case is to be opened against them.


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