Netflix Series Masters of the Universe: Revelation Media

It is, of course, monstrous to betray this surprise now; however, for some people it is also outrageous that this surprise exists at all – so much so that it has even given rise to a social debate. The warning is hereby issued, if you want to be surprised by the Netflix series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation”, you should definitely not read any further. Everyone else: This way there you go, because this debate is extremely interesting.

The series is the remake of the unforgettable 130 episodes of “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”, which was a pop culture phenomenon in the 1980s. The incredible story of how it came about can be seen on Netflix in the third episode of the terrific documentary series “The Toys That Made US”. Anyone interested in marketing and the madness with action figures should check this out. The series is about the shy Prince Adam, who transforms himself into the muscled and fearless He-Man with a magic sword to defend the planet Eternia against the attacks of the villain Skeletor.

On the power of Grayskull: what was showrunner Kevin Smith thinking?

In the first episode of the new edition, both He-Man and Skeletor die. On the power of Grayskull: what was showrunner Kevin Smith thinking? The fans of the original series are outraged because, in their opinion, there could be no series without these two classic characters – despite the downright exuberant reviews, the rating on the film fansite was raging Rotten tomatoes from 92 to 37 percent. The debate goes much deeper, however, the protagonists of the new series are the warrior Teela (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar), the sorceress Evil-Lyn (Lena Headey) and the engineer Andra (Tiffany Smith). The accusation against Kevin Smith: He kills the magic of the original (in which muscle men solve conflicts with violence and sometimes badly stupid sayings) and relies on female figures in order to be “woke” – that is demonstratively progressive.

Instead of He-Man, Teela, spoken by Sarah Michelle Gellar, are now also allowed. and Andra, voiced by Tiffany Smith, really cause a riot.


There has been this debate lately, in films like “Ghostbusters”, “Ocean’s Eight” or the “Star Wars” franchise, when women replace the formerly male protagonists. In this case, there is another level: Kevin Smith is known as an actor for the role of the silent stoner in the films about the duo Jay and Silent Bob – As a filmmaker he was one of the “Harvey Boys” whom the producer Harvey Weinstein had particularly encouraged. Smith even called his production company “The Harvey Boys” in 2011. Weinstein is known to be in jail for sexually abusing many women; He was sentenced to 23 years in prison in New York and is currently on trial against him in California. When Smith learned of the allegations, he distanced himself from Weinstein; all proceeds from works produced by Weinstein (streaming rights, for example) go to the foundation Women in Film, plus $ 2,000 a month from Smith’s private box.

That’s right: it was always about friendship in this series

So there are three levels of this debate: the supposed disappearance of the characters He-Man and Skeletor (voiced by Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill), the focus on female protagonists – and the accusation against Smith of getting rid of it through the series want to have been Weinstein’s protégé. Smith is not at all enthusiastic about this debate, too Variety he said: “Now it shows who really is a hardcore fan. There were women in every episode back then, and it was certainly not the case that He-Man saved the day all the time. His friends always helped him, that’s exactly the message of the series. “

It’s true: this series has always been about friendship, and the new edition doesn’t just do justice to this central theme. It’s a wonderful series, an homage to the original with modern elements (the villain is a technology disciple who wants to robotize everything human) and some winking hints at what you laughed heartily about 40 years ago and now roll your eyes – that wonderful stupid sayings, for example. And one more thing, says Smith, “Do you really think they’re going to give me money, that I’m doing a damn Masters of the Universe show without He-Man? Oh man, guys, growing up.” Just so much: on this adventure, the protagonists will someday descend into the realm of the dead. What are they going to do? Pst, it should be a surprise …


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