Nearly undisturbed: militant neo-Nazi network has established itself in Eisenach

“Knockout 51”: shooting training and martial arts

One of these groups is “Knockout 51”, which bundles the violence-oriented and martial arts-loving young neo-Nazi scene in Eisenach. Its members train for street fighting in the “Flieder Volkshaus” and have for years maintained excellent contacts in the nationwide neo-Nazi martial arts scene, such as in the “Kampf der Nibelungen” network, the neo-Nazi hooligan group “Jungsturm” classified as a criminal organization. According to the research platform “Exif”, the members also took part in the “Tiwaz” conspiratorial martial arts tournament.

In photos of a conspiratorial meeting in the “Flieder Volkshaus” in January 2022, which the “anti-fascist” research platform “exif” published on Twitter, Bastian A. can be seen raising his arm in the Hitler salute. A. belongs to the inner circle of “Knockout 51”.

Another photo from the social networks from January 2021, which is available to MDR THÜRINGEN, also underlines how militant A. apparently is. It is supposed to show Bastian A. with a machine gun at a shooting range in the Czech Republic. The right-wing extremist is said to have commented on the photo himself with the racist slogan: “My finger on the trigger in the sights an N…”. He is said to be among those arrested in the morning.

“Bar owner and terror sympathizer”: The case of Leon R.

How violent “Knockout 51” actually is, and that the group is networked not only nationwide but also internationally in militant circles, is also shown by the leading figure Leon RR, who is considered the central figure and networker of the neo-Nazi scene in Eisenach and the driving force behind the national and international contacts.

The owner of the “Bull’s Eye” pub in Eisenach is currently a witness in a trial in Dresden. The federal prosecutor accuses the accused of attacking and injuring the Eisenach neo-Nazi martial artist twice in 2019.

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