Nearly a quarter of the recommendations have not been implemented in 2023

What happens to the Court of Auditors’ many recommendations? While the majority of them are indeed applied by their recipients, 24% have not been implemented in 2023, it indicates in a report published on Friday.

“After a decline between 2018 and 2021, the trend over the last two years is a stabilisation in the number of recommendations fully or partially implemented, with the number of recommendations not implemented increasing from 20% in 2018 to 24% in 2023 with a peak of 34% in 2022,” writes the financial jurisdiction.

To arrive at this result, the Court of Auditors examined the measures taken by the administrations it had audited in 2020: ministries, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, etc.

It notes that three years after having formulated them, a little more than 65% of its recommendations have been implemented in 2023.

Better monitoring in the region

The recommendations of the regional and territorial audit chambers (CRTC) are being followed more, since 79% of them were partially or fully implemented in 2023. A percentage up three points compared to 2022 (76%).

For the CRTCs, the follow-up of the recommendations was measured one year after their issuance. “This closer follow-up allows for increased responsiveness of the organizations concerned, which are motivated to act quickly to avoid potential criticism,” the report explains.

Between the Court of Auditors and the CRTC, 76% of the recommendations of the financial jurisdictions were partially or fully implemented in 2023.

Some more “complex” recommendations to implement

“After having declined following the health crisis, the management of which had heavily mobilized public administrations […] “This rate has started to increase again,” says the first president of the Court of Auditors, Pierre Moscovici, in the introduction to the report.

“Its level is all the more satisfactory given that a significant proportion of recommendations not yet followed up concern the design of public policies often involving several partners”, which are more complex and slow to implement, he continues.

More information on the Court of Auditors here

The report explains the greater scope of the CRTC recommendations by “sometimes closer” relationships with their recipients, “which facilitates communication and cooperation in the process of implementing” the recommendations.

Conversely, “the recommendations of the Court of Auditors can sometimes be more complex due to their broader national or sectoral scope.”

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