Near Protocol partners with Google Cloud to support Web3 developers.

Near Foundation has announced a new partnership between Google Cloud and Near Protocol to provide infrastructure for Near’s Web3 startup platform, Pagoda.

followAnnounced Oct. 4, this partnership will enable Google Cloud to provide “technical support” to Near grantees by providing Pagoda with the infrastructure for Near’s Remote Procedure Call node providers.

Launched in February 2022, Pagoda is a startup platform that allows Web3 developers to build on Near with a full set of tools to build, launch, and maintain Web3 projects or DApps on the blockchain.

In a statement, Google Cloud Arena digital assets director Carlos Arena said his company’s infrastructure would give Near developers a way to “build and scale” and said the company would continue to support it. “New Products and Services on a Blockchain Based Platform”

In September, Google Cloud signed a similar partnership with BNB Chain, which allows startups building products and services on the BNB Chain blockchain to build a scalable, secure, and open source infrastructure of Google Cloud.

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